Monday, October 30, 2006
Wikipedia: A Non-Stop Shop For Wrong and Right
Anyone with a connection to the World Wide Web can access almost endless amounts of information from anywhere at anytime. As a college student, I have relied on the internet for a lot of information.
However, not all information is created equally.
Though there is a lot of reliable information on the Internet, there is probably just as much bad information. Most of this bad information is easy to spot. Wikipedia, however, is a little trickier.
Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia where anyone can create or edit the entries. There are obvious problems with this system.
For example, without so much as even logging in, I just changed the transportation section of the article about Germany to say, "Modern Germany still uses horses as its primary means of transportation." I corrected it immediately, but I think this illustrates my point. [editor's note: Wikipedia is loosely policed by a dedicated pool of volunteers]
What makes Wikipedia so dangerous is so much of the information is accurate. It feels like it can be trusted, and college students seem to be trusting it more and more. The text before and after my edit to the entry on German transportation seemed accurate. I don't know that, but it certainly seemed like it could be trusted.
Wikipedia cannot be trusted, however. It is clear to me by my entry on German transportation that Wikipedia should not be used academically.
And yet, college students do use the site for academic purposes. I can't really understand this.
We have a great big library at our disposal with real encyclopedias. Both Encyclopedia Britannica and World Book Encyclopedia have free versions of their online encyclopedias as well. They require a subscription for the full articles, but at least what they do provide for free is academically acceptable. Why not use those? This is what really baffles me.
There is no need for Wikipedia. There is no shortage of free, reliable information, and yet students seem to be using Wikipedia more and more.
So the next time the temptation to use Wikipedia is about to overcome you, go to the library. If you don't have time, or don't feel like the walk, use a different, more reliable online encyclopedia. Demand more of your information. There is no shortage, and I think we can all profit from holding our information providers to higher standards.
[Personal note: This is one of the long-lost articles that I had missed from earlier in the month. I woke up on the 3rd to see my name under a column in the paper, and because I was horribly hung over, I didn't actually remember if I wrote it or not (no record at the home comp), but after thinking back I realized I had typed this one at school and forgot to send myself the unedited copy. This is verbatim from]
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Putting a Definition on "Loser"
At least in some circles, “loser” has become a new four-letter word. It’s a harsh commentary with a sting that hits the core of one’s personality. Those most affected by this term, though, are those who it most accurately portrays, and their outward indifference toward such a label only causes further confusion.
For example, there is a game online that has become a subculture unto itself that mimics the reality of professional sports with programmed logic and the opportunity to build fictional players into the likes of their real-life contemporaries. Aside from the game, a message board where discussions ensue about any random topic that comes up for that particular day provides for insights from hundreds of different people at once.
Recently, the idea of “tanking” re-emerged as it has over the past couple of years as the topic of discussion, and steps to hinder its effects on the game were discussed futilely as some voiced their opinion that any measures taken to prevent it would not stop anyone from doing it.
Tanking is defined as intentionally losing in order to gain a top draft pick that is guaranteed because the draft goes in reverse order of final record, just like the NFL or MLB. With such an incentive, the temptation to tank is high for those willing to risk the open ridicule.
The strategy behind this is to ensure a #1 draft pick for several years in a row in order to have a handful of bona fide stars around which to build a winning team. It’s frowned upon by those with a degree of integrity, but those who are aware of their own guilt seem to revel in it and continue to win with disdain in the eyes of others.
How is this relevant to me, you, or anyone else who doesn’t actually know the intricacies of this game? It’s all in the context of the term “loser.” In the game, the lines are clearly drawn, where people who are intentionally losing can be pointed out without doubt whatsoever
In reality, things aren’t as simple. Most of us take the idea of a loser at face value, wherein anyone who dresses a certain way or is judged by his or her material possessions or lack thereof is considered a loser. Some take advantage of this and do their best to hide it with extravagant toys, fancy clothes, or even a second face for people they don’t necessarily like. What things boil down to, however, is if you are aware that you’re capable of doing a lot more with your life, and you’re not doing anything to make it happen, you are yourself a loser. Perhaps you’re holding out for that #1 draft pick. Here’s a hint: it doesn’t happen in real life.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Video Friday: YouTube Treasures VI
A double dosage of YouTube on both pages, new and old!
Ever had neighbors or acquaintances who just never seemed to leave you alone? Sympathize.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Fossil Soup: A History
For those of you wondering about the name, "Why Fossil Soup?" As much as one would like to think it's a play on words, taking in history in as eclectic fashion as a bowl of chowder or stew, it's primarily taken from the theme I've had in my previous journal and the mix cds that accompanied me throughout my daily drives to wherever I was going. No, I'm not going to divulge any of my musical tastes here, as it's irrelevant to the points I will drive home, and besides, a better, more informed alternative comes readily to mind.
It started with "Lou Soup," an inside joke between a friend of mine and I because of a phase in my life where everything I did or saw I immediately associated with food. Hence why I played online games under names like MeatloafMonster or 86 Catfish. Thankfully, those days are behind me, but that was what I named my journal for a time, and it became a complete wreck. The time frame for "Lou Soup" dates from late January 2006 to late March 2006, a mere two months before a crash and burn in classic goat style.
A three-month hiatus of some pretty debaucherous living kept me from doing much of anything in regards of expression, and because I had found a means of otherwise expressing myself (the school newspaper opinions page) I felt I no longer needed an online journal to reflect what is happening.
But I had a second thought. If I made it as indirectly yet discreetly autobiographical as possible, it would hold interest as long as the words spoke for themselves rather than speaking for me, correct? Well, it worked! It caught on a little bit more and with it came the "Fossil" series of cds that were a little more inspired than the "Lou Soup" series of cds that I made which were dictated by the mood that carried me during the particular day that it was mixed and burned.
The Fossil series began in early July and continues to this day, and thus with the move, the amalgamation of Lou Soup and Fossil in its most complete form: Fossil Soup.
Yeah, it's not over yet. Here's a brief history of the features I've had until now if you're curious:
Video Friday: YouTube Treasures I -- A school project tickling the idea of government coercion set to "Killing in the Name Of" by Rage Against the Machine. Dedicated to: The Evil Smurfs.
Video Friday: YouTube Treasures II -- Hurra Torpedo performs "Total Eclipse of the Heart." Dedicated to: anyone who's ever had his pants fall down onstage.
Video Friday: YouTube Treasures III -- Cheech and Chong perform "Mexican Americans/Beaners" in a scene in the film "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie." Dedicated to: Ryan, who has painted me with the greatest racial slur known to man.
Video Friday: YouTube Treasures IV -- Chris Farley supercharges the crowd at a Mudhoney concert during a scene in the film "Black Sheep." Dedicated to: the proposition that all men are created equal.
Video Friday: YouTube Treasures V -- Billy Batts gets the shit beat out of him by the "Goodfellas," set to the tune of "Atlantis" by Donovan. Dedicated to: Smocko, who brought this scene to my attention.
Movies You've Probably Forgotten About: Volume I -- A review of "The Fifth Element."
Movies You've Probably Forgotten About: Volume II -- A review of "Clue."
Laying the Groundwork
I'm coming up on the unofficial (if you haven't seen my profile) 100th journal post on my myspace page (go ahead with your "is gay" jokes; I've heard them all before) and with the way the whole "Sorry! An unexpected error has occurred. The error is being forwarded to myspace's technical group." or some bullshit like that pops up when I try to make a new post from time to time has gotten on my last nerve. So I'm moving here, and I've got a nice little format that I use to emulate Something Awful in all its grandiose, well, awfulness.
What I am here to do is enlighten, provide an ever-so-slight glimpse into the mind of the author, and on the whole mark the time in a rather eccentric and disorganized life. I figure if anything has to have structure, it's something that won't matter that much in the long run. Hence why I'm avoiding laundry laying the groundwork here.
The way things have been are that I publish my unedited contributions to my school newspaper, The Student Printz upon their publication which occurs on Tuesday or Thursday. I don't necessarily have a time frame for those particular posts... When I remember to cut and paste, you'll see them. Simple enough.
Every Friday, I delve into the universe of YouTube and find a video that I figure is worth a look, whether I find it myself or am revealed to such video through a contemporary here on the intarweb. It's sort of a refreshing chorus to finish the week, usually falling in the range of 2-10 mins so you're not held up, and the copying and pasting of code isn't much work for me. I'm only five volumes deep not counting my Friday the 13th tyrade earlier this month (see above archives), so don't get all shocked when I start on Volume VI next Friday.
Also, there's a periodical post of mine where I do the occasional movie review, and it's nothing new. The posts will be entitled "Movies You've Probably Forgotten About," and they'll only feature movies I've seen that are worth a damn and haven't been in regular syndication for a while. I'll do my best to avoid the obvious, and I'll try not to be too obscure, even though I'm certain a lot of you will not have seen some of the older movies to which I was exposed as a child, namely older war movies or comedies from the 60s. No time frame here either. More of when I'm feeling inspired.
Other random nonsense will pop up from time to time, and also, Power Alley. YES! POWER ALLEY WILL RETURN IN A MOST GRAND FASHION HERE ON FOSSIL SOUP, SIMDYNASTY OWNERS. This is more of a personal favor to those who witnessed a monster I created elsewhere. I'll try not to half-ass it this time, and hell, there may be the occasional drunk post.
But I have gotten winded, as tends to happen because I have a lot to say. Stay tuned, and here's to hoping the word gets out. Fossil Soup will be served shortly. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Coming Soon!

Those of you unfamiliar with me before will probably have a hard time grasping the concept behind what I do. Well, in retrospect, not really.
I'm moving to a higher plane of sorts and will soon make an attempt to disassociate myself with where I have previously posted. There seems to be a greater realm of accessibility here, and that's what I'll try to be playing on. If you don't want to learn anything, fine. Stop reading now.
But don't say I didn't warn you.