Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A More Specific Glimpse.

Into an online community I've held dear for a good while now. Where I was a part of the Thardferr community for the better part of three years non-stop, and then a year and a half sparingly after that, I'm now well past my third year of constant membership in SimDynasty, an online baseball simulator game that has a collective, I have said, of some of the most intelligent, depraved, and sociopathic people the internet has to offer.

The beauty of the game is almost surpassed by the interaction of its members on the message board, and I'm sure I've harped about this before... But no one was really listening then. One can only hope...

Recently, with something I orchestrated myself, there's been a flurry of posting by some select members of the community due to anxiety induced by:

A ratings rumble.

Explained from an administrator's perspective, we've started to get a little bit out of hand.

Yellow flags

Now that the background has been given on the practice of hooliganism, here's a taste of some of the better threads that are a by-product of the "Renaissance" the message board is undergoing at this time. Since a lot of them are about the game itself, I've purposely taken from the "Sports Talk" forum so those of you who have no idea what goes on in SimDynasty will be able to relate. Somewhat.

1) DeVeau... doesn't care... for black people.
2) Bitchin'
3) Schadenfreude!
4) indychris=Peyton for those out of the circle

A quick comment on the things I've brought to you this day:

On 1, I had little input because I don't follow the NBA. I never really have, so I can't really make myself a factor in that conversation. It was more fun watching the personalities of DeVeau and FuriousGiorge bounce off one another, though. They tend to do that pretty often, and if you're familiar with the greatness of Matthau and Lemmon, "Grumpy Old Men" comes readily to mind.

For 2, it's something I can find myself following pretty well, and there are always going to be haters on the way the MVP is selected in baseball. Every year. Even IF Barry Bonds is playing.

I have to say #3 is a breath of fresh air for anyone who can enjoy a little bit of anti-climax. Sit a spell, enjoy yourself!

And #4... Poor Peyton. I'm sure he's a good kid, and I know he means well, but... Goddamn.

How are you? Reveal yourself?
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